Everybody Needs Somebody To Love

B. Burns, S. Burke, J. Wexler

(as performed by the Canettes Blues Band)

[16-bar intro, with harp progression]
[continued intro with rap]
…you, me, them, everybody, everybody [drum roll]

Everybody needs somebody
Everybody wants somebody to love
A honey to hug (honey to hug)
Sugar to kiss (sugar to kiss)
A little baby to miss (baby to miss)

I need you you you [x3]
In the morning
When the sun goes down

Sometimes I feel
A little bit sad inside
My baby mistreated me
I never ever find a little place to hide, I need you

[8-bar harp]

Sometimes I feel
A little bit sad inside
My baby mistreated me
I never ever find a little place to hide
I need you you you [x3]
Baby I need you

[8-bar rap with only bass, then add guitar, backing vocals]

Everybody needs somebody
Everybody wants somebody to love
A honey to hug (honey to hug)
Sugar to kiss (sugar to kiss)
A little baby to miss (baby to miss)

I need you you you (x4)
I need you you you (Everybody needs somebody) (x4)
[stop on last one] [pause]
[clunk clunk on drums] [pause]
[all instruments on final note]

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